Final race for the finish line started somewhere around Thanksgiving. No one thought it but by some miracle, skiing flew open which didn’t do us much. Kay broke his collar bone snowboarding and we were one man short, locked behind garage doors and forgetting when we last changed clothes.
Christmas came and we munched on a sandwich by Maria, our CNC machine. Hearing our footsteps approaching, machinist- and welding talent in our little mountain town started to hide under their beds. On New Year’s Eve, Tyler fell asleep at 8 pm.
But here she is, born out of a dream. The first calculations started in Baja some 4 years ago, and she was proudly finished only yesterday in Bishop, Ca, rocket town USA. Pythomspace's first rocket engine, Asterex, now sits snuggly in a brand new test stand inside the blast mobile.
Leak testing the entire system in the next few days and waiting for the propellant to drip, drip away. Take a good look while she lasts.
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